Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Final Standings

The people with nicknames are the winners. Go figure

Boomer 143 points
Cookie 140 points
Fubar 134 points
Lizette 123 points
Bill Gladhill 122 points
Steven P and Phil Sengir 115 points
Dan Simek 111 points
Dietz 100
Rachael M 97
Steve D 95
Rachael B 92
John R 81
Fritz 78

Thank you for playing this year

Sunday, April 1, 2007

April 1 - The Final is Set

In case you dont know who is in the Final - Florida vs Ohio State

Boomer has 127 and Florida winning
Cookie has 124 with Florida winning
Fubar has 118 with Florida winning
If Florida wins then the standings remain the same
Phil Sengir has 115 and has Ohio winning.
If Ohio wins then Phil wins first place
Steve P has 115 points also but he has Georgetown winning
Lizette has 107 and Florida
Bill Gladhill has 106 with Florida
Dietz has 100 and Ohio
Rachael M has 97
Steve D and Dan Simek have 95
Rachael B 92
John R has 81
and in last place we have
Fritz with 78

Monday, March 26, 2007

March 25th

Only Steven P has all four teams heading to the final Four. After spending most or part of the tournament near the bottom he is now tied for the lead with Boomer with 103 points.

Three people have Georgetown winning the whole thing = Rachael B, John R and Steven P
Three people have Ohio - Dietz, Rachael M and Phil S
6 have Florida - Cookie, Boomer, Lizette, Fubar, Bill Gladhill and Dan S

Boomer and Steve P 103
Cookie 100
Lizette 95
Fubar 94
Phil Sengir 91
Dietz 88
Rachael M 85
Steve D and Dan S 83
Bill Gladhill 82
John R - 81
Rachael B 80
Fritz 78

Only 5 people picked Georgetown - Steven P, Rachael M, Lizette, Racahel B, and John R
Half of the group had UCLA

Saturday, March 24, 2007

March 23rd

Fubar was perfect for the second straight day and moving him within one point of Boomer.

Boomer 79
Fubar 78
Cookie 76
Dietz 72
Lizette and Steven P with 71
Fritz with 70
Phil , Steve D and Dan 67
Bill Gladhill 66
John R 65
Rachael B 64
Rachael M 61

Fubar has - Fl, Kansas NC and Ohio
Boomer has Fl, Ucla, NC and Ohio
Cookie has Fl, UCLA, NC and Ohio
Kansas seems to be the key game

Friday, March 23, 2007

March 22nd

Serious movement last night
Cookie 64
Boomer 63
Fubar and Fritz at 62
John R 61
Dietz 60
Lizette, Steven P, Phil and Steve D at 59
Dan - 55
Bill G 54
Rachael M 53
Rachael B 52

Perfect Picks last night for Phil S, Steve D,Dan SRachael M, Fritz, John R and Fritz

Monday, March 19, 2007

Sunday March 18th

We saw some good movement yesterday for a couple of people

Steven P and Cookie picked up 14 points - Moving Steven P from close to the bottom to 5th place and Cookie took the lead over Boomer and Lizette

52 Pts - Cookie
51 Pts - Boomer and Lizette
48 Pts - Dietz
47 Pts - Steven P
46 Pts - Fubar and Fritz
45 Pts - John R
44 Pts - Rachael B
43 Pts - Phil Sengir and Steve Dobs
42 Pts - Bill Gladhill
38 Pts - Dan Simek
37 Pts - Rachael M

I will have a list of all theplayer picks for the Sweet 16 at Bumpers later this afternoon.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

March 17th Standings

Boomer and Lizette are still in the lead with 41 points
Fubar and Cookie are in second place with 38 points
Dietz, Fritz, Phil Sengie and Bill Gladhill have 36 points
John R and Steve Dobs have 35 points
Rachael B alone with 34 points
Steven P with 33 points
Dan S with 32 points
Rachael M in last place with 29

Boomer, Lizette, Cookie, Phil Sengie and Steve P scored 14 points yesterday

Nice call from Steven P and Bill Gladhill with picking Butler to win

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Day Two Standings

I am sure people will be calling fix when they read the standings. Remember you can post comments to this posting by selecting the comments icon at the bottom of this post

With 27 Points - Boomer and Lizette
With 26 Points - Dietz and Fubar
With 25 Points -John R and Steve Dobs
With 24 Points - Bill Gladhill, Fritz and Cookie
With 23 Points - No One
With 22 Points - Dan Simek, Rachael B and Phil Sengir
With 21 Points - 0
With 20 Points - 0
With 19 Points - Rachael M, and Steven P

Fritz lost Arizona thru the Elite 8
Rachael lost Gonzanga thru the Elite 8
Phil Lost Notre Dame thru the Elite 8

Friday, March 16, 2007

Day One

Only Lizette picked VCU over Duke! Thats OK everyone had Duke loosing the next round.

16 Points were up for grabs today and Dietz and Fubar are tied with 14

Thirteen Points - Dan S, Lizette, Boomer

Twelve Points - Fritz, Cookie, Bill Gladhill, Rachael B, John R

Eleven Points - Steve D

Ten Points - Phil S

And Finally with Nine Points is Steven P and Rachael M

Thursday, March 15, 2007

cool link

were you challenged with trying to figure out your bracket.....try this link


Or if you need a break from picking teams try this one


So Far

7 people have picked Florida to win
3 for Georgetown
3 for Ohio State
2 for Texas A&M

I think I have a couple more entries at Bumpers

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Let the Game begin

Check this site often for updated standings